Never Worry About Principled Leadership Taking The Hard Right Again

Never Worry About Principled Leadership Taking The Hard Right Again We’re all familiar with Ralph Nader, the Vermont senator who vowed to be a “great president” when he ran for a third term. Perhaps more likely, he was told that. Nader is a moderate, but he is a guy who wants to make America great again. He seems like he’d like to lead that country, and he’s not doing it through guile and self-promotion. In presidential bids, Nader has repeatedly admitted that he doesn’t foresee war in the Click Here East.

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He hasn’t talked about Libya since the Arab Spring gained traction, and he’s yet to talk about who will govern the country. He’s never truly envisioned peace of the ways with Syria or Yemen, let alone peace with North Korea or Iran or the Islamic State. Nader’s campaign manager, Josh Madoff, isn’t complaining over this. He defends his rhetoric, and he is not against wars. However, many campaigns we work with believe this is self-serving for Nader, the Romney campaign or the campaign of his fellow candidates.

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He should apologize publicly if he ever misconstrued the Republican platform. But because Romney has done so many good things with foreign policy, we can, and should, seek out that in our own American foreign policy. Related: Bill O’Reilly, Who To Repeal? We spent nearly 30 years talking to our founders about a successful, balanced, and fully-vetted foreign policy, and let’s not forget about the much maligned Graham–McCain bill that set legal precedents for foreign policy. For starters, our country shouldn’t decide what the United States looks or does on the battlefield. It simply should provide regular updates on our relationship with the rest of the world.

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It already has. Second, we should let North Korea and Iran conduct its nuclear weaponization program as closely as possible. “All of us should be willing to accept the consequences of a decision that would undermine America beyond repair, and that would increase the likelihood of a nuclear showdown over our own territory.” If we spend our time making clear our position in the Middle East—condemning, treating as a deterrent state anyone perceived to harm American lives—instead of trying to shape another system that, without sound argument, is destabilizing from the outside, won’t be to our satisfaction, the world will continue to judge us by our own intelligence, and once again put us before the international community. And our leaders like to say that is the ultimate form of self-preservation.

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But since it’s so rare to have president Obama as tough and principled as Nader, we should all have a tougher approach, not only foreign policy, to foreign relationships. “The United States stands firmly committed to supporting Israel and the Palestinians, and its ally the United States stands firmly committed to providing them with access to an effective and open international system that works for everyone.” That’s why to give up on policy, one approach has to look at people they don’t like. This is why the Republicans need to find a good foreign policy writer. Those Republicans we worked with weren’t talking about Rand Paul, Pat Buchanan, George Will, or Michele Bachmann, they are talking about potential foreign policy pundits who think it’s impossible to address the challenges of the national security state best left to elected officials.

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